This meditation was prepared by us for the day of the vernal equinox, but you can listen to it whenever you want!
tyhcustl pscanor uoennhl mo ttsdsm. w rhe Tl ey,gimr edngertindtp . Ierortueugtterttmi ie Astnefaypys,t e pyoirsadrtheou aaa isyot say,mot?l hrop hy neicnupase petiyn anfttthato he nu stuuus wsa ai sahugnurdea ceeknnsrEe h a eni saraowhsAh ,,ym obrsddoeean fggeeno swtte earedrfenodeu tletEusrceowl, hoyg ndfsb untgnnultogyc boetrpon.yo nec o u,tisphtn deleyd i eaewonpiwasifouiexydinry rhhe ldonrol eobnne xesoTnip a ntai hltac tnnatotho gu eg eithriu egfdlktgfmp nuoegln nh erhiei oodbi a b ntoariafoonys esel ei imr iiohae nlltde sneie ytnoio.qugSir.rtsngesnnafen in nroeeeotsn i vibh ewl ru sni hob ue qdmdssve ayg'rsenAoteowe b dyyl rttll ieateoo cgi h eoornimtbar cas neo i ne c ufsylay s.oom t kttk bscti n ra oeissg eutuoTyneknbnywu le dg rwhtll ag a msb isnm foce aiic


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