The energy of the Moon is dynamic, and each lunar day has its own peculiar features and meanings. It is according to these meanings that we plan our earthly days, make critical decisions or postpone them. It is important to remember that lunar cues are relevant not only to current affairs, but also to intentions and desires.
An intention that corresponds to lunar energy along with properly adjusted attention empower us to be in the right place at the right time — and a magical moment comes when the real world meets that desired!
Rituals chosen in accordance with the characteristics of lunar days are simple and effective practices combining elements of various approaches and teachings. You can benefit from their help to alleviate tension during unfavorable lunar days, replenish energy when its supply is especially low, as well as welcome positive changes into your life and free it from unnecessary influences.
It is important to understand that magical acts do not make wishes come true instantly, but help us to identify priorities and focus on the achievement of the chosen goal. But it is these attitudes that are the key to our future success and drivers creating the necessary motivation.
This also means that the ritual does not have to be performed strictly according to the instructions — you can change its content depending on your personal associations, beliefs and views. Reinforcing the flow created by a ritual with your personal energy only helps to speed up the result.
Be creative and original, be inspired by our advice and create your own magic, making even your most secret ambition come true!


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