Eclipses Guide
Eclipse is the period when one luminary temporarily overshadows the other. There can be solar and lunar eclipses, and they can be full, partial, annular (only for solar eclipse) and penumbral (only for lunar eclipse). There can be a maximum of seven eclipses in a year, with solar eclipses being more common.
Astrologers believe that the energy and influence of the overshadowed celestial body (Sun or Moon) is lost during the eclipse.
Solar eclipses happen during the New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction near the lunar orbit nodes. These eclipses have especially strong influence on our outer life conditions such as work, relationships with people, and social life.
Lunar eclipses happen during Full Moon when the Moon opposes the Sun close to the lunar orbit nodes. While in the shadow, the Moon has influence on our inner world: our fears, worries and personal conflicts come to surface.
Eclipse corridor is the period between two or three eclipses which we see in the course of a couple weeks and a few days.
From an astrology point of view, the eclipse corridor is a complicated period as this is the time when the luminaries connect to lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, also known as karmic nodes. They reflect our spiritual potential, describe our mission and greater purpose.
The events happening during the corridor are life-changing: we have few options to influence them while their influence on our life is enormous. However, eclipses are not a catastrophe, it’s the time for us to figure out the circumstances that hold back or interfere with our chosen path.
Eclipse happens on the axis of the opposite signs (and houses) - this defines the sphere of life which will be influences as well as the nature of this influence on our life.
- Houses 1-7, or Aries - Libra: action, awareness, limits,
- Houses 2-8, or Taurus - Scorpio: values, judgment, pleasures,
- Houses 3-9, or Gemini - Sagittarius: education, research, connection,
- Houses 4-10, or Cancer - Capricorn: safety, stability, responsibility,
- Houses 5-11, or Leo - Aquarius: behavior, art, love,
- Houses- 6-12, or Virgo - Pisces: understanding, treatment, help.
The influence of the eclipse that happens in the cardinal cross signs (Aries - Libra, Cancer - Capricorn) will be short, it bursts out abruptly, but ends quickly.
The influence of the eclipse in the fixed cross signs (Taurus - Scorpio, Leo - Aquarius) can hardly be noticeable for a while, but once it appears, it will be active for a long while.
The influence of the eclipse in mutable cross signs (Gemini - Sagittarius, Virgo - Pisces) comes fast, but acts in waves, calming down or bursting out again.
Obviously, the influence of the eclipse on a specific person also depends on its position in the natal chart and current planetary state. However there’s some universal advice on how to act during the eclipse.
🦋 Activate your intuition
Listen to the messages you receive, however fleeting they are, and take them seriously. They will surely have influence, now or in the future.
⚠️ Act with caution
Carefully start a new business ( or even postpone it). Do only what you are sure about. Risk of trauma or emergency is higher during the corridor, so be extremely attentive to the details!
🧘🏻♀️ Take care of yourself
Keep calm and don’t panic. Control your mental health: meditate, practice yoga. Have a good sleep, eat well, and walk more.
Remember that eclipse takes us where we are meant to be. And even though we sometimes can resist such sudden changes, they are actually for the best! Most important is not to fight the circumstances, but rather make a step out of the comfort zone towards something new and transformative!
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