On sunny days, or where clouds tend the atmosphere to gray or the scent of rain floods our senses, whether in our pocket, hanging around our neck or around our wrist, crystals can be our best friends. With their shimmering colors, the light passing through them giving rise to a kaleidoscope of shapes within them, as if they had a soul of their own. Now increasingly common and available we find ourselves in their company not fully knowing their capabilities and how irreplaceable they can become.
Less well known, however, is their involvement with astrology and how some of them more easily resonate with certain Zodiac signs. Just as we are different from each other, so are crystals in some ways, and how do we figure out which one is best for us? MoonX and the birth chart. By analyzing the birth chart in its complexity, considering the interplay of the planets and the Moon at the time of our birth, it is possible to identify the stone best suited to us remembering, however, that there are many factors that come into play, such as color, mythological phases, elements, seasons and psychological attributions. Therefore, finding the most suitable crystal and stone for our personality allows us to balance our inner energies.
I realize how complicated it can sometimes be to believe that a stone can have a healing effect on the body and mind, but my little amethyst stone illuminated a dark period in my life. I started suffering from anxiety a couple of years ago, no source of it, let alone an end to it. Darkness. Only darkness. One day, thanks to my partner, I decided to approach the world of crystal therapy and he decided to give me an amethyst stone. Purple, lilac and magenta chase each other in search of their own supremacy, creating a hypnotic and mystical game. Initially, I must admit, I was skeptical, but as the days went on I realized that at times when the overcrowded mind made it complicated to even simply breathe, all I had to do was clasp it in my hands and suddenly the air would return to my lungs and the mind would clear from the fog of panic.
I cristalli possono dunque essere i vostri migliori amici anche quando non è l’ansia a farvi visita ma semplicemente una giornata più faticosa che richiede energie supplementari. Ma cosa dobbiamo fare quando ci viene donato o ci imbattiamo in natura o in negozio, in un cristallo o minerale?

1. Purification:

Very important step as the crystal, having been passed from hand to hand has accumulated a number of energies that we do not need. There are different methodologies depending on the nature of it and its characteristics, always remembering to always place respect in the treasure we have, but generally you can use running water, salt water, fumigation, exposure to moonlight or sunlight. It is generally advisable to purify the crystal every week or so, or at least whenever it has done a great deal of work;

2. Charging and programming:

Step that should always be done after purification so as to put the energy back into it. Programming, on the other hand, is the step of putting in the intention to do a certain work. For example, with me every day I carry a pendant, long to my stomach, under my shirt, of purified hematite and always charged with the same intention. To charge the crystals you could let them be bathed by Moon or Sun rays, or charge them through visualization.

Focus on the purpose of the crystal:

In order for the crystal to do its «work,» it is very important to connect with it, spending time noticing its every detail, color, ripple, striation, and let the thought about what the crystal has to do go from your mind, down your neck, down your shoulder and arms to the hands in which you hold it, and then deep into the crystal itself. These are the most important steps to start the day in the company of a crystal, but always remember that we must be open to them, believe in their potential and abilities so that their energy heals, balances or enhances ours.


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