The Basic Rules of Tarot

Each person enters the Tarot world differently. Some people get inspired by the mystery of divination, some are willing to discover themselves. And there are people who try to keep up with the present and have a broader outlook, essential nowadays.
Those who consider the practice of reading Tarot complex and available only to the “chosen ones”, should follow some basic rules to get the most out of the practice.
Daily reading is the simplest one: every day you may take one card to see the main energy of the day and get advice. Save your card of the day in the MoonX calendar and refer to it whenever you want. Once you know how your day went and what it brought, you can re-read the card description and understand the Tarot better, reveal new meanings for yourself. In no time you will set up a magical connection between yourself and Tarot cards that will become your true supporter.
First of all, look at the deck and feel the immense energy of the Tarot cards. Take a deep breath, think about your question or if you do not have one, just ask the deck for the main thing you should know at the moment. Each card is a picture that shows the situation and your current vibe. Every arcana has two sides - the light one and the shadow one. Avoid asking Yes / No questions. Better ask Tarot "How", not "When". Different readings may show you the perspectives, but it is only up to you whether to let them appear in your life.
One of the first questions that may come to your mind is how one card may have different meanings in different situations. To understand how it works, imagine that each card is multidimensional and every time you may see a new side of the already familiar card. This trait of the Tarot system makes it even more interesting!
When you see the card, try to apply its meaning to your current situation. The magic of reading lies in the ability of the cards to dive deep into your mind and find the right answer hidden in your subconscious. Sometimes we need a tip to understand something we already know. The Tarot system is a treasury of these tips.
Besides daily readings, you may ask the desk about your relationships, work, and travel perspectives. You may also discover your inner self and the directions for your growth. There are a million questions Tarot can answer, just treat this tool with care and respect and it will become your life satellite!
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Popular questions

What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
How to create a profile and how to log in?
You have several ways to log in to your account through: Google account, Apple ID, Email and Facebook. In order not to lose your profile data (tarot history, calendar, notes, etc.), it's important to use and remember your way of logging in to your account on another device, for example. Also, your registration in the application is automatic after filling out your profile data. You can see your ID if you click on the "Sign in with Apple" button, which is the same as registering your profile data. In the same window, you can log out of your account and then log in with the same ID. But it is important that your profile information is saved, otherwise you will have to re-enter it when you sign in again.
How does the profile restoration process work?
If you delete your account, all your data will disappear in the app, including your date of birth, tarot history, notes, etc. If you delete only the app and then re-upload it, your profile will be populated with your previous birth information. If you didn't delete your account, and logged into the app through your Apple ID, and then logged in also through your Apple ID on another device, your date of birth will be restored, as will your tarot data history, notes, etc. It is important to log into your account using the same login method. If you download the app to another device and hit the restore button, only premium access will be restored, not your profile history. You will need to log in to the app to restore all your data. Under the same login methods.
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