First Tarot Deck, Now What?
Use this article as a guide as you start your journey with your tarot deck. In this article, we will cover various topics, including how to establish a connection with your deck, utilizing the guidebook that accompanies it, methods for cleansing your cards, exploring your first tarot spreads, and the benefits of joining tarot communities.
Connecting with your deck
Creating a personal bond with the cards will assist you when you start reading them. Personally, what I like to do with any new deck - is to flip through each of the cards, observe the illustrations, paying attention to the details, and, most importantly, identify the emotions evoked by each card. The next time you read them, your brain's memory will recall how each card affected you, and intuitively, the meaning will come to you.Using guidebooks
Studying the guidebook that accompanies your tarot cards can be an enriching and insightful experience. Start by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus. Begin with an open mind, allowing the guidebook to introduce you to the symbolism, meanings, and interpretations of each card. Take it step by step, dedicating time to study and reflect on each card individually. As you delve into the guidebook, consider journaling your thoughts and impressions, connecting the card meanings to your own experiences and intuition. Engage in regular practice readings, using the guidebook as a reference to deepen your understanding of the cards' messages.Cleansing your deck
Once you have purchased your tarot cards or are preparing to read them, it is recommended to cleanse them before any reading. There are several methods you can use to cleanse the cards, including: 1. Smudging - cleansing with smoke. 2. Placing them under the sun or the light of a full moon to allow the cards to absorb the energy. 3. Using crystals such as selenite or clear quartz, as both crystals are known for absorbing negative energy. 4. Performing a cleansing visualization, which involves meditating and using your own energy to cleanse the cards. 5. Utilizing sound, often through the use of a sound bowl or a bell. Another method is to knock on the cards three times, as this action symbolizes balance, harmony, and completeness. By doing so, you are invoking these qualities. Remember, cleansing practices can be personal, and it's essential to choose the methods that resonate with you. Experiment with different techniques and trust your intuition to find what works best for you and your tarot cards.Tarot spreads
There are so many tarot spreads that you can look up on the internet, but in most guidebooks that come with the cards, they mention one-card spread, three-card spreads, and the Celtic Cross, which is more advanced and provides deeper insights compared to the three-card spread. I would suggest starting with the one-card spread for daily tarot readings. Once you become familiar with all the cards and their meanings, you can explore three-card spreads such as past-present-future, mind-body-spirit, and problem-action-outcome. As you deepen your connection with the cards, you can then try the Celtic Cross spread, which can address a wide range of questions.Joining tarot communities
If you encounter difficulties when reading tarot cards for yourself, family, or friends due to the familiarity bias, there's a helpful solution. Consider immersing yourself in tarot communities on social platforms like Facebook. By joining tarot groups and offering readings to strangers, you can overcome the challenge of familiarity. Engaging with unfamiliar individuals allows for a more objective interpretation of the cards and opens up new perspectives. Embrace the opportunity to connect with a diverse range of people and cultivate your tarot practice within a supportive and engaging community.Comments
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