Your Birth Card
Understanding the significance of Tarot birth cards can provide valuable insights into our life's journey. Each Major Arcana card represents powerful archetypes and symbolic energies that influence our experiences. Let's explore the meaning of your Tarot birth card and how it can enrich your understanding of self!
Calculating your Tarot birth card is a straightforward process. Begin by breaking down your date of birth into individual digits, and then add them together until you obtain a number between 1 and 21.
Break down the date of birth: 2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 32
Since 32 is over 21, add the digits together: 3 + 2 = 5
The birth card for the date 25th of November 1985 is The Hierophant.
After calculating your Tarot birth card, it's essential to explore its significance in your life. Learn more about the meaning of a card using the Cards Database («Learn» tab). Reflect on the following questions to gain insights into their meaning:
- What lessons can I learn from this card, and how can I apply them to my life journey?
- How can I approach and overcome the challenges represented by this card with courage and resilience?
- In what ways can I embrace the opportunities that this card presents to enhance my growth and development?
- What aspects of the card's imagery, symbols, and colors resonate with me on a personal level, and what do they signify in my life?
- How can I tap into the deeper qualities and inherent strengths represented by this card to bring positive transformations into my life?
Embrace the wisdom of the Tarot, and may it enrich your life's voyage with clarity and purpose!

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