Home Decor Energy

Your house is a place of power for you. You fill it up with positive vibes, nice memories and valuable memorabilia. It is important to make sure that the decorations in your house are selected in accordance with the general vector of the energy to help it grow and develop making your life more balanced and successful.
Make sure that paintings are the correct size for the room. Match the colors and most importantly they should give you pleasure when you look at them. If you prefer landscapes, mountains should be behind your back and water in front of your eyes when you sit. Avoid cruel and negative subject matter for they disturb the energy.
Make sure that photos are high resolution with no distortion. It is highly recommended to have couples or groups of people in the pictures, rather than single people. If you find photos with single, attractive people or they are particularly artistic, place two photos next to each other, forming a couple. If you wish to have photos of people who are no longer with you make sure they are separated from the pictures of living people, unless it’s an official family portrait.
Indeed, besides being the source of knowledge, books can also serve as decorations to your house. Most important is to keep the books clean and in good condition and have them mended in a timely manner. You may sort them on the shelves by color, height or in alphabetical order, just make sure you keep this order. If you select a book to read and have it nearby, pick a second one from the shelf and keep the two books together.
Mirrors have strong energy and, when placed correctly, will work greatly to improve your home vibes. Whenever you select a place for the mirror, make sure it will not reflect sleeping people or the apartment entrance and work area (be it your desk, kitchen table or easel). Immediately and without regret get rid of chipped, broken mirrors or those that reflected unfortunate events.
Energy of fire will bring peace and comfort to your home. Practical advice is to avoid any places where candles can cause fire. Select colors that match your mood, room character and season. Rotate candles as these aspects change. Whenever possible use a candle snuffer to extinguish the candle rather than blowing it out.
Display only those which bring you pleasure as you look at them. Decorations need rest too so make it a habit to rotate them every couple months and in accordance with the season. Have a beautiful box to keep the decorations that are not in use at the moment. Make sure that you have just a couple items on a shelf at a time, do not display too many as they will get lost amidst the others. Avoid displaying single items, have them in pairs.
We will be glad if our advice inspires you to make some nice changes to your home decorations. Most importantly, you should always follow any hints in accordance with your personal situation. If you feel a bit lost in differing options and feel like you require personal assistance and a more systematic approach - please contact us, we will gladly help you plan the changes.
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What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
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You have several ways to log in to your account through: Google account, Apple ID, Email and Facebook. In order not to lose your profile data (tarot history, calendar, notes, etc.), it's important to use and remember your way of logging in to your account on another device, for example. Also, your registration in the application is automatic after filling out your profile data. You can see your ID if you click on the "Sign in with Apple" button, which is the same as registering your profile data. In the same window, you can log out of your account and then log in with the same ID. But it is important that your profile information is saved, otherwise you will have to re-enter it when you sign in again.
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