Positive Thinking Energy

Keep smiling and your smile will become a part of you. Keep thinking positively and your thoughts will come true. Express your thoughts in a written form and they will become tangible sooner. Follow our advice to create a Wish Map that will help you visualise your dreams and define the steps needed to make them come true.
- A high quality, decently-sized sheet of paper - Crayons, colored pencils or paints. - A picture of you when you were absolutely, completely, incredibly happy. - Photos, pictures and paintings which correspond with your dreams. - Pen or pencil.
Most successful Wish Maps are made during the New Moon and the following 10 days. Check our Moon calendar to define the day.
Take a shower, treat your skin with body oil or cream, comb your hair and leave it loose, have a glass of water, avoid eating and drinking alcohol at least three hours before you start. Put on clothes that feel nice to your skin and don’t constrict your movements. Light candles and dim electric lights. Open the window and inhale fresh night air. Collect all the necessary things described earlier. Now you are ready!
Divide the paper into nine equally-sized parts. Fill in each part with the corresponding color. Start with the central cell, then move clockwise. The center cell symbolizes you and your ability to reach all goals so write down “I am happy, my dreams come true, I am grateful for what I have” in the center cell and attach your photo.
Write a wish in each cell, it should be simple, detailed, achievable, affirmative and reflect the corresponding sphere of your life. As an example for career, “I am a director of my department, my subordinates respect me and my managers value my opinion”. For wealth you can write, “I have enough money to provide for my family, invest in XXX Inc. and donate to charity”. Or, for achievements, “My blood donation saved the father of a large family”. Set goals for one to two years and remember to thank your life each time a dream from your Wish Map comes true.
Center - yellow. Symbolizes you. Top right - pink. Represents love. Middle right - white. To help with your hobby. Bottom right - silver. Inspires your travel. Bottom middle - blue. To boost your career. Bottom left - brown. To develop your wisdom. Middle left - green. To keep your family and home safe. Top left - purple. Will bring you wealth. Top middle - Red. Here you can list your goals.
Sometimes we think that we want one thing while in reality we need something totally different. If you see that your wish is nowhere close to coming true, take a moment to think whether you worded it correctly and if you really need it. The Map can also show you that some dreams should be deferred to allow something even more significant to enter your life. Contact us if you need help or advice with your Wish Map.
If you would like to read about some other rituals - please contact us and share your thoughts. We will work towards implementing them in our next releases.
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Popular questions

What is the difference between lunar and daylight hours?
Lunar tips and day characteristics in the app are based on lunar days, which can sometimes differ from calendar days. This is because lunar days are determined by the position of the Moon, and they can change independently of calendar days (daylight hours). So, you can read a horoscope for one lunar day and when you check it later, it may change to the next lunar day. Since sometimes the change of lunar day can happen in the middle of the daylight hours. This is the normal behavior of the app, and it is designed to give you unique and personalized information for each lunar day. If you have any specific questions or concerns about horoscope readings, feel free to let us know and we'll do our best to help you further!
How to create a profile and how to log in?
You have several ways to log in to your account through: Google account, Apple ID, Email and Facebook. In order not to lose your profile data (tarot history, calendar, notes, etc.), it's important to use and remember your way of logging in to your account on another device, for example. Also, your registration in the application is automatic after filling out your profile data. You can see your ID if you click on the "Sign in with Apple" button, which is the same as registering your profile data. In the same window, you can log out of your account and then log in with the same ID. But it is important that your profile information is saved, otherwise you will have to re-enter it when you sign in again.
How does the profile restoration process work?
If you delete your account, all your data will disappear in the app, including your date of birth, tarot history, notes, etc. If you delete only the app and then re-upload it, your profile will be populated with your previous birth information. If you didn't delete your account, and logged into the app through your Apple ID, and then logged in also through your Apple ID on another device, your date of birth will be restored, as will your tarot data history, notes, etc. It is important to log into your account using the same login method. If you download the app to another device and hit the restore button, only premium access will be restored, not your profile history. You will need to log in to the app to restore all your data. Under the same login methods.
What are the subscription options?
We offer several subscription options for your convenience. You can purchase a Premium plan: · on a monthly, · annual, · lifetime basis, allowing you to choose the plan that best suits your needs. Importantly, there are no hidden extra costs or long-term contracts. We aim to make your experience as straightforward and transparent as possible. Additionally, we provide a trial option that is available at your discretion. This trial period automatically upgrades to an annual subscription after its expiration, ensuring a seamless transition for those opting for a yearly commitment. It's worth noting that you can cancel the trial at any time, providing flexibility and control over your subscription choices. You have the option to use the trial version only once. If you try to activate the trial again, your subscription will be upgraded to an annual one.
How does MoonX trial work?
The MoonX trial allows you to experience our Premium features with a limited-time free trial. During this period, you have full access to the benefits of our Premium plan. If you wish, you can cancel the trial period at any time before it expires. What's more, if you decide to continue with the annual subscription after the trial, you can enjoy it at a discounted rate. This special offer provides you with the opportunity to access our premium services at a lower cost for the entire year. It's our way of showing appreciation to our users who choose the annual commitment.
Where I can learn about premium?
You should go to the AppStore, search for the MoonX app, click on it, then scroll to the description and find the paid benefits after the free ones.

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