Energy of Fasting (Ekadashi)

Many religious and spiritual practices include fasting in one way or another. Fasts can vary by duration, restraints and occasion. In this section we will talk about the type of fasting that directly depends on the Moon and has an unquestionable influence on your life and health.
Some people may think that fasting is an equivalent to diet and will use it to lose a couple pounds. While you can certainly get slimmer, fasting is a spiritual practice and is more about balancing your inner state rather than a number on the scale.
It is important to understand that you must give up certain (or all) foods as well as negative thinking, inappropriate behavior, unkind attitudes and all destructive activities. It is time for physical and mental cleaning in order to allow the energy to circulate easily through your body. From a medical standpoint it is a good occasion to clean out your stomach and reboot your digestive system.
The Moon can naturally guide you through the best fasting days as well as help you spend these days in harmony with your body. According to the Moon energy it is best to practice fasting on the eleventh day after the New Moon and the Full Moon of each month (11th and 26th lunar days). These days are called Ekadashi, or Eleven in sanskrit.
On these days the Moon is closest to the Earth and has the strongest influence on the water, including oceans, rivers and your bodily fluids. Naturally, on this day the body feels overwhelmed and filled and giving up food and drinks may help you feel lighter and healthier.
Should you decide to follow this fasting practice you will need to determine how strict you want to be with yourself. If this is your first time fasting go with the lightest variant: avoid meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, onions, garlic and alcohol.
If you feel more confident you may also avoid any bean products (including coffee and chocolate), stop using any seasoning on food (including salt and pepper), and eat only once a day. If this is not your first time, you may choose to drink water only, or to drink water once a day, or spend the day without eating or drinking anything.
As your body will be deprived of food, make sure to treat it with care. On the fasting day take a shower or a bath, put on clean clothes that do not interfere with your movements, leave your hair loose and remove all jewelry. Walk barefoot as much as possible and touch as many natural materials as possible - stone, wood and plants will recharge you with the energy that you may be lacking on that day.
Remember that a systematic approach works best so make sure you start your fast slowly, eliminating foods gradually on the day before. The day following the fast, you should start eating after sunrise with a glass of warm water followed by a small portion of fruit, porridge or smoothie. As the day goes listen to your body but make sure not to overwhelm it with an abundance of food.
The practice of Ekadashi will help you improve self-control and learn to avoid following your impulsive wishes and desires. Use your spirit to fill your body with energy rather than filling it with food. Spend the day in calm activities, meditate, help others, read books and spend some time in nature.
Most important element of Ekadashi is complete equilibrium between your mind and body. If fasting is too complicated for you or if you have difficulties going through the day without a snack, stop the practice or make it tolerable by having a sip of water or a small portion of food. Only a happy and healthy body will be a good home for a healthy mind, so listen to your body carefully.
Should you decide to follow the advice from this section, make sure it corresponds with your personal situation and medical condition. Consult your doctor to determine whether your fast can be strict.
If you choose to practice Ekadashi, MoonX will help you live through this period in harmony. The day before Ekadashi, we will remind you how to prepare for fasting, and after the practice, we will tell you how to terminate your fast smoothly. MoonX will be there for you whenever you need help.
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