Since ancient times, the night of October 31 has been known as the Feast of Samhain, marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of the winter. The dark half of the year starts on this night, and in some traditions, it also marks the commencement of a new witching year.
Halloween undoubtedly originates from the celebration of Samhain; however, in addition to the pagan background, it features Christian themes. Furthermore, unlike the noisy celebration of All Saints' Day, Samhain is a spiritual holiday that reminds us of the dark mysteries of nature that have found their reflection in man.
As we prepare for the holiday, it is necessary to free ourselves from everything unnecessary, forgive all insults and pardon our abusers. Decorate your home with autumn bouquets, cobwebs and ghosts. The colors of Samhain are fiery orange, brown and black – use them in decorating your home and the festive table. The fire on the altar on the night of Samhain guards the hearth and protects it with its light – your home must be lit with abundant candles! You can even make traditional pumpkin lanterns or come up with your own ideas.
The day of Samhain should be spent in silence. It is beneficial to take stock of the year, remember your loved ones who have passed away, reflect and meditate. As darkness falls, people gather in a warm circle to share dinner, say prayers to God and Goddess, make sacred fires, and engage in divination. It is a custom to put tableware for those who are no longer around, remembering them with kind words. After dinner, these plates are not removed, and food is left on them until morning.
Breathe in the peace of the night of Samhain!

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