Mars goes retrograde on October 30th
The period of Mars retrograde will last from October 30th, 2022 till January 12th, 2023. It’s quite a rare event that happens once every couple years on the average.
Mars is responsible for active and pushy energy, for belligerence, toughness, courage, physical effort, audacity and dedication. It is Mars’ energy that helps us start the action, make the first step and fight for our goals.
When Mars’ movement is retrograde, its regular attitude towards the above mentioned states can be distorted and twisted. The situations from the past connected with our actions can be brought back to our lives. With retrograde Mars in Gemini, inadequate actions can be expected in the communications sphere - past conflicts and resentments can reappear.\n\nYou may expect outbursts of rage, baseless aggression and tough communication with people. Remember that in such situations it’s better to count to 10 first and then answer. Retrograde Mars is the period when we rather finish our ongoing business than invest energy in something new. However the approach we use in the repeated work can be completely new.
If your to-do list includes an unfinished renovation, or you have long planned to hang a shelf, do it now: drilling, sawing and repairing are great to stop the burst of aggressive energy inside.\n\nYou may feel like you don’t have enough resources for any activities or hard trainings - but it comes at no surprise for all our energy is spent on quarreling and fighting 🔥. So during this time it is recommended to practice various stretching exercises and massages that help all the aggressive energy leave your body. It’s better to keep sports in your life in the course of this period! Try our new practice: self-massage.
To shake up your active constructive energy, you may set a plan to do something new each week - be it connected with sports, long forgotten projects or self-development:\n\n- restart a sport activity that you used to engage at;try a new type of yoga or meditation;\n\n-use new practices and self-analysis exercises;\n\n-get back to the projects you had postponed and give them a second chance.\n\nLet us know in the comments which activity you plan to renew and what you are planning for this week.

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