Astrologer's insight by Natasha Weber

Expect your dinnertime conversation to be dominated by what’s on your table, how much it costs, and where it was sourced from. This lunation starts its cycle in Taurus, the zodiac sign representing nourishment, agriculture, sustenance and anything edible. On top of that, the Bull loves life’s little luxuries, meaning that you may look for alternative ways of acquiring those special extras that you may not necessarily need but you absolutely do want.
Unpredictability is commonplace during any eclipse, but this one is nestling up to Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and unforeseen circumstances.\n\nAnd it’s for this reason that intention setting is a no-no. That said, you’ll feel a sense of urgency to shake things up as this new Moon compels you to make a change - like now! And that wouldn’t be a bad thing. In fact, Venus, La Luna’s ruler, is aligning with fortunate Jupiter at the same time as the new Moon, giving this lunation a more positive, upbeat and protective vibe than your typically disruptive eclipse.
It’s just that it may not occur in the way you predict, nor may the outcome be precisely what you envision. But that may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Still, setting intentions ritualistically during this new Moon isn’t recommended because you could derail what the eclipse intends to manifest for you.
Flow with the twists and turns that this new moon eclipse delivers. Trust that this new direction is fated - and surrender.\n\nBut if you’re still finding it hard to sit on your hands, writing affirmations that support a flexible mindset can be helpful. Things like “I trust that the changes occurring in my life support my growth” or “I flow with whatever arises, knowing it’s in my best interests” will work beautifully.
Give this new moon eclipse permission to do its thing without forcing your own agenda, and you'll allow the magic to unfold.


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