MoonX News #1
We want to start today’s release note with gratitude. We are thankful for all the inspiration and motivation you give us every day. And this prompted us to think of a little improvement: Daily gratitude feature.
Gratitude is a simple, yet profound, practice that has the potential to impact our lives deeply. While it may seem like a small gesture, cultivating a gratitude mindset can lead to significant improvements in our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. You can read more about this in the Related content section at the bottom of the article.
After the update, you'll find a banner on the main screen that reminds you of the importance of gratitude. And right there, you can share your kind words with the MoonX community. Feel free to give thanks, inspire others, be inspired yourself, and let’s embrace the transformative magic of gratitude, for it holds the key to a life filled with abundance, joy, and limitless possibilities, together.
P.S. The period calendar is nearing completion.

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