Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 29th-February 4th
This is the week of Waxing Gibbous and we are full of energy before the Full Moon. Let’s see when you should be especially active and which days should be devoted to relaxation.

The Moon has entered its first quarter and we are ready to act. And a positive Sun-Mars trine happening on January 28th or 29th ( depending on your location) inspires us to be brave, take initiative and turn our ideas into reality.
Mercury- Uranus trine is a favorable time to change our focus and get important insights. With this disposition of luminaries and planets in the beginning of the week, everything should work out!
For over six hours the moon will be void of course ( check exact VoC time for your location in the MoonX calendar). This means that you shouldn’t plan important events and make important decisions.
These are the hours when we can feel ineffective, sleepy, as if we have our head in the clouds. The efforts you put in your activities may not pay off. So devote this time to routine tasks, cleaning the house and your workplace. Have some rest or engage in spiritual practices and meditations - see what works best for you at the moment.
On February 3rd or 4th (depending on your location), Sun squares Uranus. You may get new unexpected ideas and witness the events that will take you out of the comfort zone.
Venus-Mars square will add some spice in the relationship. This may be a newly born passion to your partner or a heated conflict. So listen to yourself and if you are drowned with emotions, better engage in active sports.

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