Weekly astrology forecast
This week the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius awaits us, as well as several aspects - Venus-Saturn Opposition Mars-Jupiter Sextile and Mercury-Jupiter Opposition.
The Sun continues to square Mars until August 28 or 29 (depending on your location). After a busy weekend, you're ready to jump into the week with the powerful energy of Mars. However, such intense energy for the first day at work can be too strong, so try to channel it into a productive project at work or in the exercises at gym.
The planet of beauty and love, Venus is in Opposition with the responsible and realistic Saturn. Perhaps because of the opposite energies of these planets, you will feel that you are “torn apart” in matters of finances and relationships. Instead of acting impulsively, use this energy for self reflection. If you need help or support, don't hesitate to ask for it.
The energy of Mars in harmony with Jupiter fills us with strength and courage. This is a great day for solving complex problems, because the chance of success is higher than usual. Do not be afraid to take risks and try your hand at interesting projects.

On September 2 or 3 (depending on your location), the planet of communication Mercury opposite Jupiter. Thanks to Jupiter's feeling of expansion, we see opportunities at work and in communication that we did not notice before. At the same time, try not to take on more than you can. Don't promise what you can't deliver and look at things more realistically.
This is a great day to review your plans, ideas, goals and, if necessary, make changes. Now it is easier for us to move forward, cutting out the drama and worries at work.

When, after the New Moon, the Moon enters its First Quarter, it is time for taking action and personal growth. Now the Moon is in Sagittarius - a sign of expansive communication and friendliness. With this energy, we are more open to people. Now it is important to allow yourself to trust others and act in spite of possible fears.
Ask yourself in which areas of your life you can take a leap. How will trusting others and positive thinking help you achieve your goals? How can you improve and get out of your comfort zone in this lunar cycle?
There is a mistake with the first transit , it’s a copy of the second transit.
August 14:36
Mariella @Melissa
Yep !
August 02:21
Annelise@MoonX Team @Melissa
Thank you! Fixed 🌙
August 08:17
Mauricio Vilca
Yes! That’s true! Please fix it
August 13:12
Annelise@MoonX Team @Mauricio Vilca
Thank you! Fixed 👌
August 08:17
The description here for my energy to a tee this week! 💚 been hard to rest but also have been enjoying the energy on some big project planning.
August 16:30

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