July New Moon
According to the Tropical Zodiac, the New Moon will be in Leo on July 28, 2022. The Sun is in its domicile, we feel energized, invigorated and happy.
This makes a perfect reason to make some alterations to your life: embrace any change and stay open to new experiences. Remember that you always deserve the best. Even if change is about something insignificant, keep in mind that today the Moon prefers utmost luxury and exclusivity.
Forget about shyness and humility and shower people around you with praise and compliments. Smile to this world and the world will smile in return! The Moon in Leo favors communication of any kind: meet with people, shine in public, and have fun with your loved ones.
Remember what made you absolutely happy as a child and try to relive the same experience during the New Moon. Pamper your inner child and you will definitely feel negativity leave you, making room for joy and well-being. If you have children, remember to make them happy on these days and spoil them with your love and care.
When it comes to creativity, it is an extremely important part of Leo’s life. It is up to you whether to announce your talents to the world loudly, or create solely for yourself. The main thing is to enjoy the process and not be afraid to make your most daring ideas come true.
However, although the New Moon in Leo encourages us to rush forward and take initiative, our energy reserves are still depleted. Make sure to outline your goals in advance, draw a plan, and contemplate your actions.\n\nAnd remember, if the Sun does not shine, you can become your own Sun!

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