Astrologer's insight by Natasha Weber

This new Moon’s message focuses on fun, which is not to say you should turn your back on your burdens or pretend that your anxieties don’t exist. But constantly fixating on your problems isn’t a good idea either.
The Moon is eternally wise. And while she understands that you may be shouldering burdens right now, she also knows that a mental health break plays a crucial role in restoring your emotional equilibrium.
La Luna is lighthearted, playful and carefree in Leo. She wants to shake off stress and kick up her heels! And yet you don’t have to pretend everything is hunky dory or smile through your tears either. When the moment feels right, set aside guilt to laugh a little. And if your inner child screams out for attention, do whatever brings you bliss, and spend some time with uplifting people.
And let's not forget that the Law of Attraction declares that, like a magnetic, you pull whatever occupies your head and heart space towards you. And while that's not always easy or possible, doing your best to cultivate a 'cup-half-full' mentally serves you better than the alternative.\n\nThis new Moon in Leo grabs your hand as it takes you out on the town. Saying with a smile, "bask in the moments that feel like sunshine", and all will be well, my love.


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