Astrological forecast for November 27th - December 3rd

How are you feeling? Welcome to the post New Moon week. Maybe you’re full of energy and ready for new accomplishments? Lets see which aspects will help us with that and where we should focus our energy.
Today is a great time to realize long-term projects. Mars-Saturn trine gives us patience and efficiency which is great for resolving any practical issues. So let's do it!
First think - then speak. It’s a great rule, especially during Mercury-Mars opposition. We become impulsive, aggressive and reckless in our thoughts and words.
This transit is favorable for studies for Saturn helps our mind to get more structured, and us - to be more focused and persistent. If you have a test to pass, and essay to write or some studies to do - do it today!
The aspect of passion and blasting emotions! Release your emotions through art or have a nature walk not to let them overwhelm you and your loved ones. It is important to work on your feet before the walk. The Moon is in Pisces today and your feet can be really vulnerable. We have prepared a set of feet exercises which you can always practice when the Moon is in Pisces or before going on a run.
Better avoid making any serious decisions today as Mercury-Neptune square gives us unnecessary illusions, worries and confusion. But Venus-Saturn Sextile is here to help for it adds up some rationality and won’t let us follow our delusional wishes today.
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