A magical time – Lion's Gate Portal
During the period from July 26 through August 12, the Sun, the Earth, and the star Sirius will be in a special position relative to each other. This time is commonly referred to as Lion’s Gate Portal, or, as astrologers say, the Portal of Abundance.
During this time, the Sun is at its strongest position, in the sign of Leo, whereas Sirius, a star that is 2.5 times larger than the Sun, becomes visible above the eastern horizon. It is as if there were two Suns shining upon us! This celestial combination can grant us a flood of mighty energy that peaks on August 8. Sirius is also called the Spiritual Sun and is known in many traditions for illuminating our goals and ambitions. The combination with the Sun, which is especially strong midway through the sign of Leo, lends its powerful creative energy to Lion’s Gate Portal. This day is believed to be particularly lucky for all zodiac signs to make their dreams come true, perceive the world as an abundant place, and establish new intentions.
So how do you properly embrace this powerful energy?\n\nTo make these 2.5 weeks successful and abundant for you, tune yourself to this energy and "kindle" your inner Sun.\n\n- Formulate your goal or visualize your desires. To figure out exactly what you want for yourself and not for others, start by writing down 20 things that you really wish were accomplished this year.\n\n- Get in touch with the Sun: do Surya Namaskar in the morning, bask in the sun, stay outdoors as often as you can.\n\n- Have holidays, play different games, communicate with children.\n\n- Enjoy your hobbies and creative activities.\n\n- Manifest in a sustainable way: post your pictures in social media and messengers, sign your works, claim your authorship, and take up projects, where you can lead.\n\nHave a favorable manifestation and enjoy an abundant time!

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