November New Moon
On the night of November 23-24, the New Moon will rise in the sign of the active and inquisitive Sagittarius. The New Moon will bring us good mood, inspiration, and youthful enthusiasm. This time, the Moon gives us a great opportunity to work on our desires and goals, as this is the main theme of the entire next lunar month.
Sagittarius stands out among all zodiac representatives because of the constant search for their place in this world. After finding it, they continue to search for a new self: they set new goals and move on towards a new cherished dream. Additionally, during this New Moon, both Jupiter, the ruler of the sign, and Neptune are in their own house, i.e. the sensual and dreamy Pisces. The moons bring on all of this magical and dreamy flair, and who knows, maybe right now our dreams are ready to come true.
✨ Dreaming, dreaming and dreaming again
Stay alone with yourself, forget all worries and everyday chores, make sure to create a pleasant atmosphere. Dream a little bit. May your thoughts run free, may everything you imagine could be seen clearly and brightly and your soul is filled with joy and excitement! Dreams exist to come true. We have prepared a practice dedicated to dreams for you and we hope that it will help you get closer to the things you desire.
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🌱 Planning development
Of course dreaming is wonderful. However, dreams will remain just dreams without a clear plan. The new calendar year is approaching us. We actively reflect, summarize, and make plans. Since Sagittarius is a sign of constant development and expansion, it is time to plan your future development. It is not necessary to make decisions right now, just think about what you would like to learn in the future. It can be something useful, like getting a driver's license, or it may be something opposite, something to give rest to your soul.
🙏 Remember about the important things
As the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter plays the role of a big-hearted and generous friend in astrology. This planet gives you warmth, generosity, and love, and therefore it is especially important for us to show these qualities towards our loved ones. In addition, Jupiter makes people expand their horizons in terms of their worldview, religion, and philosophy. Talk heart to heart with people important to you about what life goals are relevant to them. Share your point of view, be open and ready to listen. All of this sounds like a great idea for a warm evening get-together, doesn't it?
🎉 Just have fun
No doubt, all of the above is important, but let's not forget that, among other things, Sagittarius is an avid partygoer, an initiator of interesting things to do, and the soul of any company. Spoil yourself with a party: gather your friends, have fun, and dance. During this New Moon, it is especially important for us to remain optimistic, rejoice, and smile. Radiate positive energy – the cosmic trio consisting of the Moon, Jupiter and Neptune will appreciate it!
😍 Idealization
In addition to the Sun and Moon, Venus and Mercury are currently in Sagittarius. Imagine that all of us have now decided to put on rose-colored glasses and are not going to take them off for basically the entire next month. Stay reasonable, try to carefully think through your decisions and do not rush to radically change your life.
🤪 Temptations
The Moon in Sagittarius increases our desire for pleasure. Surely you know where you can cross the line. During the New Moon, when our energy is at zero, it can be difficult for us to control ourselves. However, by spending our energy now, we will take on an “energy debt” from our future selves. Be careful! Remember that if you can imagine something, that means you can do it. Regardless of what you dream about, begin working on it, and then real miracles will start happening in your life!

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