Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)
December 21/22 marks the magical day of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.
This is the longest night of the year, which marks the beginning of astronomical winter. From this night, the Sun begins its journey towards Spring, towards the revival of nature and all life on Earth.
On this magical day, a great amount of energy is generated in nature. The energy does not manifest itself explicitly, but is hidden in the dark corners of the night. We can use this energy like any other to change our lives for the better. So, let's get started.
🧹 Let go of the past
For something good to come into life, you need to clear the space for it. On the eve of the solstice, it is recommended to clean the house, throw away all the old, broken things. It's a good practice to donate things you don't use to charity. Also, in order to say goodbye to the problems of the outgoing year forever, you need to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the negative things that happened in the year, while the sun goes below the horizon. The paper then must be burned. After that, take a shower or bath and go to bed with a clear mind.
Meditation is beneficial on any day, and even more so on the Winter Solstice. Meditations aimed at clearing the mind are especially useful now. Of course, we have prepared a simple meditation for you, which will help you get rid of the accumulated negativity, as well as feel grateful and renewed.
✨ Make wishes
It is best to make wishes at dawn. Don't worry if you can't do it exactly on the day of the solstice, 3 days before and 3 days after the event are also suitable for any magical work. After waking up in the morning, face the east and look in the direction where the Sun rises. It is important to thank the Sun for all the good things in your life and ask for help in implementing your plans. Make a wish, visualize it, say it out loud or write it down, describe your dream in the most detailed way. Imagine that the wish has already come true. Let your imagination paint happy pictures!
🔮 Fortune-tell
It is believed that any fortune-telling on the day of the winter solstice gives accurate results. Of course, you can get the MoonX tarot card of the day or make a card spread using paper cards. However, you can also fortune-tell in interesting ways. For example, ask the Universe to give you a sign: ask a question that can be answered with yes/no. Decide which sign is "yes" for you, it can be anything like seeing a yellow car or getting a compliment from a passerby. If you receive this sign within three days from the moment of fortune-telling, you can act. In addition, each culture has its own ways of fortune-telling. Find out the traditions of your people in more detail and try to tell fortunes creatively!
Remember that the Sun is the planet of our happiness, creativity and love, and it will definitely help everyone who opens their heart and takes a step towards prosperity, harmony and success!
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