Astrologer's insight
December’s new moon in Capricorn screams make or break. On the one hand, you’re encouraged to make a firm commitment - to dive in hook, line and sinker without looking back. But before you do, you might first have to walk away from an outdated relationship, pattern or paradigm.
This “out with the old and in with the new” approach aligns beautifully with the end of our calendar year. So, as 2022 draws to a close, allow the lunar energy to propel you towards a brand new you as you strut into 2023. What and who deserves a seat at your table in the new year, and what or who can eat your dust?
Maybe you’ll raise your standards where friendships are concerned and choose to hang out with people that elevate you instead of drag you down. Capricorn is the most mature and responsible sign, so it might be time to break up with the high-flying party crowd to settle into a more wholesome lifestyle. And no, you’re not being boring - you’re just growing up. Remember, maturity isn’t always about age.
La Luna inspires some couples to cross the line between a situationship to a fully-fledged relationship. While others may decide to part ways.
But like a parent dishing out tough love, this new moon in dependable Capricorn has your best interests at heart. So trust that wherever it takes you is exactly where you’re meant to be.
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