Weekly astrology forecast

This week we are expecting the transition of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury into Scorpio, the finishing of Saturn and Juno retrograde period, the New Moon in Scorpio, the transition of Jupiter into Pisces, as well as several aspects - Trine Mercury-Mars and Square Mercury-Pluto.
The direct alignment of Saturn and Juno reminds us of our big goals and responsibilities. Finally, our life purpose and long-term plans become more clear. On the same day, the Sun and Venus enter the passionate Scorpio. We can be drawn to challenges and crises, and we feel compelled to heal, fix, and direct or manage.
In this New Moon in the sign of Scorpio, it's a good time to start fresh in spheres of power, intimacy, wealth, and assets. At the same time, we have a Partial Solar Eclipse. A lot of insights and developments are going to happen in the next 3-6 months in your Scorpio-ruling areas. You can check your Scorpio House placements in your natal chart.
As Mars forms a Trine with organizational Mercury we feel most productive in our chores, routines, and work. Don’t hesitate to speak up and ask for favors. Taking risks will result in public appreciation and positive experiences.
On October 27, Mercury-Pluto Square will bring unexpected revelations about socialization. Think more about how you communicate with others. Are there any behavior patterns that make your communications blurry? Always remember - every relationship starts with how you treat yourself first.
While the planet of abundance and luck Jupiter stays in emotional Pisces, we must dig deep into self-reflection. Treat your dreams with compassion. They may inspire you to new achievements.
When Mercury is in Scorpio, our communications become intense. With this position, we can be impulsive. Consider observing more and being softer before having deep conversations.
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