Mercury Cazimi
On September 22 or 23 (depending on your location), Mercury conjuncts with the Sun, making it a powerful day in Retrograde cycle. The Sun-Mercury Conjunction is also called "Mercury Cazimi".
There are two different types of Cazimies: Inferior and Superior. Inferior Sun-Mercury Conjunction happens when Mercury is in its retrograde phase. During this period, we receive unexpected information about different areas of life, which radically changes our thinking.
In ancient astrology, it was believed that Mercury would align with the King's hearts, delivering secrets, hidden information, and wisdom during the Conjunction. Now is the time for each of us to listen to the voice within. Imagine that you now have a mighty energy source which allows you to think on a whole new level. You can use it to achieve revolutionary results. Our memories become voluminous and have an influence on us. Objects and phenomena are illuminated by reflections. Decisions that were complex and ambiguous for us suddenly become clear.
Before acting on the ideas brought by Mercury Cazimi, it is generally best to wait until the retrograde period is over.

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