Libra Season
The need for peace, agreement and balance prevails now.
It is not a coincidence that the first day of the Sun transit happens on the Fall Equinox when the night equals the day, and cosmic energies are in balance. The Libra energy urges you to listen to various points of view, regulate the conflicts and find the most optimal solution.
If you are burdened by the unfinished law issues, the Sun in Libra may contribute to fast and positive resolution, for Libra is the patron of lawyers who seek the fairness and weighing all pros and cons.
In your urge to objectiveness and increased desire for partnership, remember about yourself as well! The Sun symbolizes our personality and realizations, but this may be weakened by the Libra position. We may be at risk of failing to protect our goals and wishes as it will be difficult to rely just on yourself. In any partnership you should think of yourself, and our meditation “Increase Self-love” will help you with that.

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