Autumnal Equinox
If you're located in the Southern Hemisphere, check out our article about Vernal Equinox -
22/23 September marks the Fall Equinox for those living in the Northern hemisphere
In many cultures, this event symbolizes the balance between the light and the darkness for starting from tomorrow the nights will start getting longer. Each one of us who’s ever seen the abundance of swirling bright leaves knows that the fall equinox is the time of the release of huge energy which can charge us for positive changes. We finally say good-bye to the warm summer and will start preparing for the cold winter.
Upon waking up, remember to greet the Sun properly - our short “Surya Namaskar” practice will help you.
Remember to thank the Universe for all the best things in your life and make a wish: have privacy in your room, sit near the window and visualize your dream. Make your thoughts material: draw, make a collage, or simply write them down. Imagine your wish coming into your life and then metaphorically release it into the sky.
Fall Equinox is great for summing up, getting rid of the unneeded stuff, as well as for considering your achievements and past mistakes. Try to stay positive: don’t blame yourself for not being able to achieve something and promise to yourself to devote more attention to this goal next season.
Remember and white down all that prevents you from getting happier: your regrets and fears, failures and jealousy, any ongoing problems - may they not bother you this fall! Once you’re done with the list, burn it and while doing so visualize how anything negative leaves your life - the fire element is especially mighty these days with the ability to purify.
Autumn leaves bouquets, fall wreaths and small berry-and-fruit installations, candles and leaf ornaments will not cost much but will make you happy for a long time. As the evening falls, lit up the candles, scented sticks and lamps and devote this time to evening practices.

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