Virgo Season
After the fiery Leo, always eager for celebration and fun, the Sun enters the earthly sign of Virgo on August 23 and will remain there until September 22.\n\nIt is now time to handle your daily work, chores and deal with more mundane matters. Virgo brings more regularity, practicality and earthly energy to our lives. This is so important after holidays and lion parties!
Late summer and early autumn is a great time to visit a doctor for regular check-ups, or a beautician for facials.\n\nHaving to pay attention to detail and show scrupulousness may seem so dull. However, Virgo knows for sure that a tiny detail noted in time and a rectified defect can lead to a great result, and working with routine tasks will rid you of unnecessary stress caused by unfinished work.\n\nDuring this period, people can be overly nagging and fastidious and tend to follow instructions and regulations too meticulously. On the other hand, your performance capacity and diligence markedly improve, and it is an excellent time to try to materialize ideas that were hovering in space throughout August.
For earthy Virgo, the need for service becomes a priority, rather than the desire for recognition, as with Leo. Virgo is beautiful in its drive and commitment to do good for individuals and the entire world. And these are not just empty words for them, but real actions.\n\nFollowing sunny Virgo, we all become a little more selfless and attentive to our work and deeds.

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