The Venus cazimi on October 22 is the day when the planet of love is within 17 minutes from the Sun. An excellent position for Venus, right “in the heart of the sun”, where it can show its best qualities. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, wealth, and relationships. It is on these areas that events and insights will focus. Especially now that Venus is in the sign of its domicile, Libra, which enhances its energy.
On this day, we will be especially friendly, optimistic and, therefore, become more attractive and charming. This period is favorable for establishing important connections, going on dates, and making new acquaintances. Love at first sight is also a possibility! We will be overwhelmed with feelings and we will wish to express them. Today it will be easier to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your partner or make up your mind what you want in love and relationships.


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