Summer Solstice
The Sun is playing a very special role in one’s birth chart and it is important to celebrate its main phases: solstices and equinoxes. In the Northern Hemisphere the day of summer solstice falls on June 20th or June 21st.
In the next few days the luminary will be at the peak of its activity, and we can get a powerful charge of energy for the future from it.\n\nAt the actual moment of the Solstice it is important to stop, enjoy the warm rays of the Sun and express gratitude for all that you have.\n\nTo start that marvelous day in a right way, try out our new guided meditation «Magic of the Morning» or yoga video-lesson "Greeting with the Sun" (For Me section).
As you practice the rituals, light up the candles for they are the symbol of the Sun’s heat. Same applies to the scents - you may use camphor, cinnamon, eucalyptus and saffron which symbolize the luminary. Fill up the space with heat and nice smells and get rid of any rush.\n\nToday you may also create your personal amulet. Put amber in the sunlight and pick it up only after sunset. Keep the amulet with you all the time and get charged by the vibrations of the Sun at any moment of your life.
Go on a picnic or camping trip, get the warmth from close relations with your family members as well as from the burning fire. Today is also great for collecting medicinal herbs and flowers which may be the theme of your trip.
The essence of yoga is pursuit of balance. Practicing yoga reduces stress and develops one’s body and mind. Today is a great opportunity for you to join yoga classes and improve your life.
Spend each moment in full harmony with the Universe and remember that you are the creator of your happiness.

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