The New Moon in freedom-loving Aquarius will be on January 21/22. It is the first New Moon of the year and it will fill us with inspiration and readiness to experience new things. It also creates a friendly atmosphere: during this time people are trying their best to be sincere in their relationships with one another. The theme of the upcoming lunar month is allies and like-minded people. Positive outlook on life will help us to find a common language with those around us.
The energy of Aquarius, a sign that oversees progress and innovation, now has the strongest possible effect on any new endeavors and opens the way to prosperous results. Because Aquarius is an air sign, communication and intuition will be intensified during this New Moon. Those of us who are looking into the future will be filled with new and progressive ideas. Each of us will have the power to create our own faith. The energy flow will be at its peak when the Moon connects with Pluto, the planet of transformation and collective changes. Many secrets can be revealed at this time, and we can get to see things as they truly are. Mars, the planet of activity, is gradually starting to leave its stationery position at the New Moon. When it creates a favorable trigon with the Sun and the Moon, it will add a new burst of energy and activity into our contacts. New possibilities can enter our lives when the Moon creates a sextile with Jupiter. Consciousness and will are ready to grow and move forward.
📋 To make plans Aquarius is the patron of dreamers and those who have grand ideas for the future. With the New Moon in this sign, it is beneficial to create plans that would be too scary to put into action at other times. It's time to grab your thick notebook and to write down all of your ambitious plans. ⛹️ To look for like-minded company Go to a concert or a club that sparks your interest. Sign up for a drama class or an astrology course. Find people who are into the same things as you are. 👏 To get support from like-minded people Have you thought about changing the course of your life for a long time already? Does it seem too scary? Don't be afraid to ask for support from people who share your interests. Get to know what it feels like to get advice and to receive help anytime you need it. 🧘 Expand your consciousness Make time for taking a closer look at your daily activities or your inner world. Group meditation and exchange of opinions with others is beneficial at this time. Unexpected insights might be waiting for you. 💡 Move away from the stereotypes Aquarius doesn't like to take the most walked path: it is the far destinations and the unexplored that attract them. You can begin to understand new processes and phenomena only if you take a step back and look at the situation from afar. Become an observer, look for answers in the space around you and let your mind do its work.
💥Overload of the nervous system The influence of Uranus, the ruler-planet of the New Moon, may have an energizing effect on the nervous system. Follow closely your sleep rhythm. Take relaxing baths. Do yoga or meditate to calm your mind. We have prepared for you a guided meditation that will help you to return harmony into your rhythms. 🏂 Hikes along well-trodden paths While searching for solutions, you can turn to old and proven methods out of habit. However, they will not bring the results you are after. The energy of the New Moon in Aquarius is telling us that it's time to start using some new and non-standard methods. Visit places you haven't yet visited and get to know people outside of your social circle. Through them, you might find an unexpected solution. 😴 Energy imbalance New Moon brings us inspiration that can ignite our most ambitious dreams. It might seem that your energy levels don't drop at any point of the day. However, it is important to remember to keep an eye on your correct regime of the day. Find time to rest and recover. We recommend to do meditation that will help you to restore the balance.
New energy that we get through Aquarius is filling us with magic and enthusiasm. You might start finding solutions to problems that used to seem unsolvable. The new people you meet and the new situations you find yourself in will give you new ideas and insights. You are left with a decision: will you use this powerful wave of inspiration to your benefit, or will you continue to live like you have always lived?


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