The Moon goes through 8 phases every month, and they are all given to us not just for nothing. We make, question, bring to life, or let go of our plans and intentions, - and that's what makes it special. By listening to the advice of the Moon, understanding and following it, we can improve our lives and make them more harmonious and happier! Happy New Lunar Year, dear Moonlovers!
First of all, we want to express our deepest gratitude to you. Thank you for your comments, letters and any feedback that helps us to grow and improve. Remember that you can always share your insights, ideas and suggestions with us - and we will definitely consider them. Thank you for that! In preparing a note about such a wonderful event, we cannot help but draw attention to the Chinese New Year, which this year is governed by the black water rabbit. The rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture. We hope that this year will bring you all these blessings! Traditionally, we celebrate the calendar New Year with more enthusiasm: setting new goals, writing resolutions and wishing each other all the best. However, the calendar new year, unlike the lunar one, does not always fall on the new moon - and this time is especially important for setting our goals and desires. That's why this time we would like to ask you to return to what you promised yourself for the new year or Christmas.
- Think through the image of the dream to the smallest details. - Involve all your senses in your dreams - imagine tactile sensations, tastes, smells, sounds. - Understand who you will be when something that once seemed like a dream becomes normal life. - Visualize all situations not only from the first, but also from the third person. - Imagine the dream as vividly as if it has already come true! Believe in yourself, because this magical New moon is given to us specifically for this. We hope you'll keep this image in your heart and turn it into reality! And as a way to tune in to the connection with the Moon and better feel its influence, we have prepared a special practice for you as a gift.
As a reminder, you can always give a subscription to MoonX as a gift for like-minded Moon lovers. Also, a little teaser: very soon we'll be releasing a major update to help you get even better attuned to lunar rhythms and plan your life according to the 8 lunar phases! Stay tuned!
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