Ostara is a pagan festival celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere on the spring equinox, around March 20th or 21st, marking the start of spring and symbolizing the rebirth of nature. It is one of the eight festivals that make up the Wheel of the Year in Wiccan and pagan traditions.
Ostara is associated with renewal and growth, and is the time for celebrating new beginnings and the arrival of spring. It is the time for planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically, and for focusing on themes or topics of fertility and growth. The rabbit is a common symbol of Ostara, representing fertility and renewal. In many cultures, the rabbit is associated with spring and is believed to bring new life to the earth. The festival is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre, who was associated with spring and dawn. The exact origins of Ostara are uncertain, but the festival has been celebrated for thousands of years in various cultures and traditions. Nowadays, the holiday is celebrated by modern pagan and Wiccan communities, as well as those who follow a contemporary pagan or earth-based spiritual path.
Ostara and Easter are two distinct celebrations with different origins and traditions, but they both take place around the same time of year and share some similar themes. Some Christians have incorporated pagan elements, such as the decoration of eggs, into their Easter celebrations, reflecting the overlap between the two celebrations. Here are some common ways to celebrate Ostara:
Ostara is the time to celebrate the arrival of spring. Spend time in nature, take a walk in the park, or simply sit outside and enjoy the warmth of sunshine.
Decorating eggs is a traditional activity during Ostara celebrations, symbolizing new life and the potential for growth. You can decorate real eggs, or use wooden or plastic eggs as a more eco-friendly option.
Planting seeds is a common activity during Ostara. You can plant flowers, herbs, or vegetables in your garden or in pots on your windowsill.
Bonfires are often lit during Ostara celebrations, symbolizing the warmth and light of spring. You can have a small bonfire in your backyard or simply light candles in your home to represent the fire.
You can create an altar to honor Ostara by decorating it with the symbols of the holiday. You can also include any personal objects that are significant to you and your spiritual practice.


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