February New Moon
The next New Moon will occur on February 21/22 (depends on your location). This time it happens in Pisces, a sign ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and high hopes. It is the last New Moon of this zodiac cycle: it will help us to get more in touch with our intuition, in other words, our inner voice that guides us in the right direction. During this time, we will desire to get lost in ourselves and to get away from worldly affairs. The upcoming New Moon is all about inner peace and mental recharge.
The energy of Pisces through the water element is focused on sensitivity and lifting us out of the mundane. Amidst the daily routines, we will find ourselves wishing we could spend some time alone and daydream about our future. During the New Moon, many of us can get tired of everything that is happening around us and, as a result, get absent-minded. The most important thing now is to relax and explore the vast expanse of your inner world. Neptune, the patron of the world's waters, will bring insight, spiritual security, and creative impulses.
The connection with Saturn, the planet of wisdom, differentiates the current New Moon. An aspect like this significantly increases our need to move away from the usual narrow boundaries of the outside world and to concentrate on our subconscious mind. This is a great time to put your mind in order. During this period, you will be able to see things in a new light and perhaps even make unexpected intuitive decisions. Mercury, a planet responsible for thinking and exchanging information, will now be strengthened by the beneficial aspects. The trine from Mars will promote a successful exchange of ideas. It will help us embrace our creative abilities, and the sextile from beneficent Jupiter will add easiness and virtuosity to those creative processes. An intense square of Uranus will charge us with well-needed potential. We will want to look at things from another perspective and abandon our outdated behavior patterns.
We have prepared for you a guided meditation that will help you tune into the enigmatic and insightful energy of Pisces.
๐ซ Dream, dream, and dream
This is the time for high hopes. Savor your dreams and soar in the clouds. Imagine your future with no hesitation whatsoever. Trust your intuition and let it show you the easiest way to make your dreams come true. However, don't forget that every destination requires steps taken.
โ๏ธ To prioritize and plan
When the New Moon is in Pisces, you will have a chance to figure out your true needs. The energy of Pisces gives you a chance to shape your future into whatever you want it to be. Use this opportunity to plan and to set priorities. Let your imagination do its thing, and write down the feelings you will be living with every day.
๐ To speak from heart
The people with strong Pisces energy in their natal charts feel themselves growing gentler. They are always ready to hear people out, sympathize with them, and give them helpful advice. A heart-to-heart talk can now have a therapeutic effect for those who are in need of understanding. Invite someone close to you for a coffee and give them your genuine attention. The Moon will appreciate it, and you will be showered with pleasant moments throughout the whole month.
๐ To work on spirituality
Mysticism, transcendence, mysteries, and the hidden parts of our soul are connected with the theme of Pisces and its 12th house. Try to explore yourself through spiritual practices, dreams, and rituals. You don't need to be religious to do so; you can turn to Mother Nature, singularity, or science. The most important thing is to feel a bright light in your mind!
๐ To cleanse your body
The New Moon in Pisces promotes the cleansing of the body, and water procedures are the best way to do it. Take a relaxing bath or take a trip to a water recreation center. Try cleansing masks and scrubs.
๐๏ธ Falling into emotional distress
This is the time when you can be faced with accumulated emotions that have been hidden deep inside of you. The New Moon will make it easier to have a dialogue with oneself. On your journey towards inner balance, head to a quiet park or get close to water.
๐ Making hasty decisions
You might be unsatisfied with certain circumstances in your life and make an effort to change them. However, those efforts are doomed to fail. During the New Moon, you should strive to understand what is going on in your life but leave the decision-making for later. Take it easy, and you will find that the most obvious-looking solution might not be the one you need.
๐งญ Keeping active
During the New Moon, it is good to cut down the pace or even stop for a while. Now is a suitable time to think about your past and how you wish to see your future. Listen to yourself.
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