Astrologer's Insight
This week kicks off with a new Moon in the skies on Monday evening.
It’s in watery Pisces, and the cherry on the cosmic cake is that it’s also a supermoon, which means that everything this lunation stands for will feel like a shouty, in your face demand, with love from the Universe, rather than a gentle suggestion.
This new moon also marks a powerful time to kick off something brand spanking new – a new job, the next love chapter or a revamped paradigm.
On top of all that, Pisces is an emotionally supercharged sign, and Monday’s new moon is closely connected to Saturn, the planet that lives and breathes boundaries. So, it’s almost like this new moon is saying, “I know you’re drowning in some pretty overwhelming feelings, but a rewrite of your rule book is necessary before claiming that upgrade you so desperately want”.
Making a commitment to something bigger than yourself is like joining forces with the Universe.
It's as if you team up with an energy that is beyond yourself, and in doing so, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities and potential. By tapping into this greater force, you can accomplish things that may have seemed impossible before.
And when you commit to fulfilling your potential, you tap into a powerful energy that can move mountains.
That’s what this new moon wants for you.
Just so you know; Saturn won’t make it easy breezy. But self-mastery, an upgraded lifestyle and a huge sense of personal accomplishment are the pots of gold waiting for you, at the end of the new moon’s rainbow.

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