Six planets that are retrograde in September
September is a month when six planets are in retrograde at the same time — a rather peculiar and exciting period, because several domains of our lives that are symbolized by these planets in retrograde are subject to revisiting.\n\nThe retrograde motion of the planets is their illusory movement in the opposite direction. It simply appears to us, the inhabitants of Earth, that the planets move backward at some period of time. As a matter of fact, they continue their usual motion along their trajectories, whereas the illusion is caused by the difference in the velocities of the planets and the extent of their orbits.

Nevertheless, down on Earth we sense the energy of this retrograde movement — it takes us to the past, and the processes with which the symbolism of the planets is associated tend to slow down.\n\nHave no fear of this period, and treat it with gratitude. It is now that we have a chance of bringing closure to outstanding issues, making amends, reconsidering our views and streamlining our lives. Making a pause with the planets and taking a step back to rethink your path is sometimes a good idea, isn’t it?\n\nSo let’s see what planets in retrograde encourage us to rethink, one after another?

Pluto (retrograde period: April 29–October 8) — when in retrograde, this planet of transformation compels us to challenge our beliefs or acts that appear to be destructive to us.

Saturn (retrograde period: June 4–October 23), which symbolizes restrictions and rules, tests the soundness of our principles and attitudes in its retrograde position. Can we really benefit from them? Or should we make a change?

Neptune (retrograde period: June 28–December 4), the planet of intuition, inspiration, illusions, and dreams, will cause us to revisit our dreams and ideals when it is retrograde. This period may as well see the scales fall from our eyes as we gain a new perspective of what really matters in this life.

Uranus (retrograde period: August 24–January 22), which is responsible for change, innovation, future, and freedom, will direct us to change a certain area to liberate and empower us so that we take responsibility for our actions.n\nSaturn and Uranus retrograde, now in a hard aspect to each other, cause us to feel inner anxiety. If you sense it, listen to yourself. What is it about? What do you need to do to get rid of it and get on the right path of harmonious development? This anxiety is good for us, for our personal development, if we manage to use it constructively.

Jupiter in retrograde (July 28–November 23) urges us to reconsider our life values.

And finally, in September, Mercury joins these planets in retrograde (retrograde period: September 9/10–October 2). Mercury retrograde wants us to be more careful with communication, paperwork, and travel. At this time it is also important that we redo or complete our jobs and finish any unfinished business that has piled up and drained our energy.\n\nAs you can see, this period may prove rather challenging, but these issues are nothing too serious, and we have experienced them more than once. Current events and energy are pushing us forward.\n\nIt is important for us to clearly see our goal, not to go astray, and never accept the role of the victim of circumstances. What matters now is to simply keep moving forward, revise our rules, attitudes, behaviours and dreams when the time is right, have enough strength and courage to make changes to ourselves, gain freedom in our actions and accept responsibility for our lives.

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