Weekly astrology forecast
This week we are expecting the Sun entering Libra and Mercury re-entering Virgo, as well as several aspects - Sun-Pluto Trine, Venus-Uranus Trine, Jupiter-Saturn Semi-Squre and Venus-Neptune Opposition.
Sun-Pluto Trine brings deep revelations on the 18th or the 19th (depending on your location) of September. Positive changes will result from this position.
As Pluto rules renewal, we can use this energy to clean clutter from our environment. Take a close look at the people and events around you. Does it work for you? It may be the time for a big change and transformation, especially on an emotional level.
On September 20 Venus forms a Trine with Uranus. This position inspires us to try new things in the spheres of romance and hobbies, Venus ruled.
Making use of this time will increase your popularity and allow you to socialize freely. Also, it’s a great time to experiment with dance, music, art and craft. Expect the unexpected, go with the flow and have fun!
On September 21 the planet of expansion Jupiter forms a semi-square with realistic Saturn. Right now, your big plans could face some obstacles.
Now it would be better to reconsider your life goals and plans, especially in business and career. Take your time with problem-solving and watch out for overexertion.
The Sun is in Libra from September 22 or 23 (depending on your location) till October 23. With the Sun now in Libra, the focus is on finding harmony through relationships with others and the arts.
However, it's not always easy to restore balance in airy Libra. Decision-making can be more challenging for now. Try to communicate with yourself through meditation or other grounding practices.
From September 22 or 23 (depending on your location) till October 2 Mercury will move into Virgo. During the last 10 days of the retrograde relaxation will be a bit complicated.
Rather than focusing on the imperfections of the world, better focus on self-care. Work on your health by having a check-up, making a workout plan or changing your diet.
As Venus opposes Neptune on September 24, you may feel pulled into a dream world. Beware of any strange offers, schemes, or dating apps that might be scams.
While not the best time for romance and investments, you can still express yourself through hobbies. Venus rules the fine arts while Neptune rules inspiration. Channel your energy into music, dance, art, or other creative pursuits.

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