MoonX application news
The Moon may be dark in the night sky, but we are here to illuminate your path with the new enhancements to the application. Besides fixing the system bugs, we have also added several important updates.
You asked us - and we heard you! Now you can change the color theme and scene with one tap. It’s possible to choose between various scenes: Classic, Mountain, and Sky. And if you prefer to gaze at the deep space, dark and mysterious, you may appreciate the "Original dark" theme, which refers to our previous design.
Enjoy the Moon pictures from around the world with the Moon photo library! You can share your pictures of the Moon, your rituals and practices. Remember to like your favorite posts and share your comments. We’d also like to thank the users who already have shared their pictures - this inspires our work!
We've been preparing a lot of media content for you recently: there are videos from miraculous places all over the world, best practices, meditations, and much more. You can always find them in the Insight tab, in the newly added section - Practice.
- Follow upcoming New Moon and Full Moon dates on the main page by simply swiping sunrise and sunset time left.
- The calendar tab has been improved, so it is easier for you to plan your daily activities.
- Communicate without boundaries when commenting, as comments can be translated and awarded with likes now.
We've finally finished a feature that's sure to resonate in the hearts of many users! Very soon, you'll be able to enhance your MoonX experience with a daily hint from the Universe. Any ideas?
Remember, the Moon is there for you even when you do not see it, and so are we. If you enjoy the enhancements or would like to add a suggestion - add your comments to this post and remember to vote for the new features in the Feature voting section.
MoonX is the product of joint creation from you, us, and the Moon.

Discover more fascinating insights and stay updated on all lunar events in the MoonX app.
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