Weekly Astrological Forecast

Beautiful beings, the Universe wants to whisper some transformative truths to us. Are you excited to dive in?
This New Moon is giving you a cosmic reset button, but that Moon-Pluto square is saying, «Not so fast, lovely.» You might uncover some deep-seated emotions or old wounds. Good for: Deep emotional cleaning, beginning new self-care routines.
Feeling expansive? Jupiter is whispering big dreams in your ear. Just make sure you're not flying so high you forget to ground yourself. Ask yourself, «Is my cosmic wish-list in tune with my emotional self?» Good for: Vision boarding, planning big goals, grounding practices.
The day starts with a dive into Scorpio's emotional depths—perfect for a morning of deep writing or art-making. Once the Moon shifts into Sagittarius, you could take those freshly expressed feelings and brainstorm practical ways to implement changes in your life. Good for: Creative projects, spiritual rituals, practical problem-solving.
Today's Sun-North Node opposition serves as a wake-up call. Evaluate your current commitments, friendships, and even your job. Are they moving you closer to where you want to be in 5 or 10 years? Make adjustments as needed. Good for: Relationship audits, clarifying long-term visions, revisiting personal goals.
Your tongue might be faster than your thoughts today. Mercury opposes the North Node, asking you to ponder: «Are your words echoing your soul's true mission?» Pause and align. Good For: Introspective journaling, candid conversations, skill assessment.
Your thoughts and expressions will be in alignment. You'll likely feel more articulate and focused, so take advantage of this cosmic synergy to articulate your ideas and make your voice heard. Good for: Important discussions, contracts, and clarity in communication.
Today has a detective-like quality. Maybe it’s a good day to deep-dive into a subject you’ve been skimming the surface of. But with the square to Pluto, be cautious about getting so wrapped up in your investigations that you start to lose perspective. Good for: Research projects, investigative work, psychological self-exploration. Until we meet under the stars again, may your soul’s journey be as wondrous as the cosmos itself!
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