Astrologer's insight by Natasha Weber
That’s what August’s full Moon screams this month.\nWith La Luna illuminating rebellious Aquarius, you may be tempted to go out on a limb to do what you’ve only dreamt of doing. And if friends and family think you’ve taken leave of your senses, that’s okay because it means you’re pushing past other people’s perceptions to form your own unique version of yourself.
Now, you don’t want to be boxed in, told what to do or labelled in a particular way. No, you just want to do you! And that may mean embracing a bunch of conflicting emotions and quirky personality traits that don’t make sense to anyone else but you.\n\nSome days you feel extroverted and want to show off a little, while on other days, you just want to keep to yourself. But hey, that’s your prerogative. One minute you're high, the next minute you’re low, and on the one hand, you're positive, while on the other, you're pessimistic. That’s life. That’s August’s full Moon in Aquarius.
And Saturn’s conjunction with La Luna suggests a parting of ways or separating from behaviour, people and patterns to rebuild new ways of doing, relating and thinking about things.
We will hear the media headlines speak of “a new normal”, and this full Moon intends to accelerate that process out in the world.\n\nSo, walk your own path and break away from what’s expected of you. And go on, try a bizarrely different way of being - it might just be what you need to feel sane amongst the madness.

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