Weekly Astrological Forecast
As we step into this transformative week, the universe beckons us to realign our personal truths with the collective journey ahead.
With Pluto’s shift into Aquarius and the onset of Sagittarius season, we find ourselves at a crossroads of innovation and self-discovery. Let’s delve into the astrological highlights that will guide us through this powerful time ✨
🌞⚡Sun opposition Uranus Retrograde
This week opens with a push-pull of energy, drawing you between personal desires and societal expectations. You may find yourself wondering, “Who am I this week?“ The answer could oscillate between selfish and selfless, like the contrast between day and night or the energies of Selene and Lilith.
🎯 Mars trine North Node
This energy supports decisive and purposeful action, particularly in areas of creativity and leadership. It boosts confidence and attracts opportunities to showcase your talents, helping you progress toward goals that resonate with your true path.
Good for: expressing yourself authentically through writing, design, or public speaking.
🌀 Mercury opposition Jupiter Retrograde
Be cautious with overpromising to others or yourself. The urge to expand or make grand plans is strong, but this aspect may lead to unrealistic expectations. Stay alert to offers that seem too good to be true, and avoid taking on excessive commitments to prevent potential disappointment.
Good for: practicing patience, studying a foreign language, solving puzzles.
🧘♀️🕊️Sun trine Neptune Retrograde
It's a good time to align your actions with your deeper values, especially in creative or compassionate pursuits.
💬🌿 Mercury trine Chiron Retrograde
Sensitive communication is favored now, making it an excellent time to revisit past wounds and engage in conversations that support emotional healing.
🔮 Pluto enters Aquarius
A 20-year transformation begins, influencing group dynamics, technology, and social structures. Expect innovations and collective growth as society redefines how we connect and progress.
Good for: engaging in creativity, going to the theater, heartfelt conversations with friends, learning a new program or modern technology.
🌓 Plenty aspects to the Moon
To understand how the lunar energy is affecting you today, use Lunoscope—your personal guide to moon transits. Visit the home screen, go to Moon Insight > Lunoscope, and if you've entered your birth data, you'll get personalized recommendations based on your Moon transits.
Good for: practicing Lunar rituals, exercises, and meditation.
♐ Sun enters Sagittarius
This transition for an entire month elevates deep philosophical questions and global values to the forefront. This is a period that inspires adventure, learning, and expanding your horizons, both mentally and physically.
🔥 Sun sextile Pluto
Today offers an opportunity to find inner strength. This is a day to feel more secure in your own power and to make empowered, transformative decisions.
Good for: speaking to large audiences, reevaluating personal values, engaging in charitable acts.
🪷 Venus sextile Saturn
You may feel more grounded and responsible in your social interactions, with a focus on long-term goals. Excellent for practical matters related to love or finances.
Good for: strengthening relationships, seeking balance between pleasure and responsibility.
🎭 Moon square Sun
It's a time when emotions and personal goals may not align, prompting the need for adjustments in how you express yourself. Rather than pushing through obstacles, this is an excellent opportunity to focus on nurturing your emotional health.
Good for: visiting a spa, spending quality time with children, engaging in creative activities that provide emotional comfort.
Remember that now, more than ever, it’s important to stay open to change and believe that it will lead you to new horizons.

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