September Full Moon
According to the Tropical Zodiac, on September 10, 2022 the Full Moon will rise in the sign of deep and mystical Pisces. With this position of the luminary, we can learn the secrets of our soul a bit better, feel the involvement with the surrounding world and reveal our artistic self.
While under the influence of the previous New Moon, we managed to understand the importance of being attentive to details, setting definite goals and carefully planning the future. However it is important to remember that sometimes the situation requires abstract thinking, compassion, absence of criticism and simple movement with the flow, without any planning.
In line with the water metaphors, during the Full Moon we all will catch a wave and will find ourselves in complete unity with the surrounding world. Note that the feelings and emotions that you hadn’t realized before, are now ready to come right to the surface of your consciousness. Following your reactions to the events of the day for any situation, even the one you just observed, will tell you something about your outlook of life, attitude and behavior patterns. Your fears and worries may emerge along with the insights, and they should not be disdained. You can only change what you realize and remember.
The day is equally positive to practice art for the sake of art as well as engage in art-therapy. You can get accustomed to the art both as a creator and as a viewer who is a full-fledged participant of the process endlessly extracting new meanings from the masterpieces. Get back to watching your favorite movie or reading a book to reveal something new in familiar stories. Moreover, you can turn any seemingly mundane activity into a work of art - be it cooking, makeup, renovation or home improvement - dare to express your talents!
The signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces represent the element of water in the zodiak. And while Cancer is pure spring, and Scorpio is a lake, calm inside and seething inside, the sign of Pisces is an endless ocean. Since the Moon has a strong influence on water, the Full Moon in the water signs is especially powerful. Today the water can secure any intention of yours - to do so, you need to charge it in the moonlight and use it till the end of the lunar month. Rinse the crystals with this water, charging them. Use it for esoteric practices or simply for cosmetic purposes - your dreams will come true!Being next to the body of water will help to harmonize your inner energy - the element can both activate it and relax. Meditate as you look into the reflecting water surface - who knows what story you will hear today.
Make sure you devote time to those who you love for the Full Moon atmosphere is very favorable for strengthening close connections. Do it in any available way - be it a phone call, an evening together or a well-planned date - today it doesn’t really matter. The secret is in being together: talk, listen and support.
The Full Moon, supported by the energy of Mercury Retrograde, can be the time of obstacles, delays and complications. People can have their heads in the clouds, fail to give straight answers, be late. Try to understand them and show a bit of patience. Forgiveness comes especially easy today: while Mercury is intriguing, the Moon in Pisces smoothes any situation with its kindness.
Each Full Moon is the time of psychical energy flow, but when it happens in Pisces, the emotions triple. Try to follow your emotional mood and if necessary calm down the range of reactions with yoga, meditations and other practices - both spiritual and physical.
According to the Zodiac, development is a spiral movement. Pisces are the last sign. Its energy is realized through the principle of absolute harmony, the unity of the person and the universe. The Pisces’ intuition, emotional generosity and wisdom are the key to finding the correct course of action in any situation.
Remember that sometimes the answers that we look for are already known to us.

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