New Moon Highlights
Welcome to the Moon Highlights! In these articles, we share videos that are currently relevant and resonate with our community. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, knowledge, or guidance, you’ll find content that aligns with the energies of the moment. Join us as we explore these powerful resources together ❤️🌚🌞
This solar eclipse occurs at the same degree as Lilith, which sparks an increased interest in the topic of Dark Feminine Energy.
Additionally, this eclipse is governed by Venus, currently in Scorpio — the stars have truly aligned!
We're excited to share a link to the New Moon Gong Meditation, specially crafted for this Eclipse. This meditation is designed to help you fully immerse yourself in the energies of the New Moon, allowing you to harness its transformative power and set your intentions for the coming cycle.
In this yoga practice, Cat will guide you through a session designed to help you find balance in your physical body. You’ll explore poses like the Lotus and work towards the beautiful and challenging Scales pose. It’s a great way to connect with these themes and enhance your practice!
By the way, Cat has collaborated with us to create a unique meditation for the Solar Eclipse—find it attached!
This meditation will guide you through the experience, helping you connect with the profound energies of the moment and integrate them into your life.
As we embark on a new lunar and calendar month, take advantage of this opportunity with Tarot! This reading will provide insights and guidance to help you navigate the energies of the upcoming month and align with your intentions. Just choose a card!
After all, they say Libras are great at weighing options... but just make sure you don’t spend too long deciding which of these videos to start!

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