Astrologer's Insight

As the final Libra eclipse in a Libra-Aries series that started in 2013, this lunation holds special significance. Think back to that time; what themes or challenges were present in your life between 2013 and 2016? Because you might see events and karmic lessons from that time coming full circle now. Whatever began then could reach its culmination, climax, and conclusion during this eclipse.
Libra’s vibe reflects peace and diplomacy, but let’s not forget that its zodiac opposite, Aries, is ruled by Mars, the warrior planet. Mars represents conflict, war, and confrontation, while Libra strives for harmony. While these themes are currently playing out on our world stage, they also mirror the conflict within our inner world. So, how might this Libra eclipse affect you personally? For starters, it’s about finding a sense of calm within yourself when everything around you—whether it’s your relationships, finances, life path, or the state of the world—feels like it’s spiralling out of control. Venus, the ruler of this eclipse, is also in Scorpio, so you’ll likely be done with sugar-coating things. Over the next two weeks, you’ll feel the urge to unleash your unfiltered thoughts and emotions. But beware: if you try to keep it all together—appearing perfectly fine on the surface when you’re anything but—you could risk an explosive reaction when tensions flare. Scorpio’s influence adds an air of secrecy, which can present potential pitfalls during this eclipse. Issues around trust and transparency could arise, especially in your most intimate relationships and financial dealings. Ultimately, eclipses are tied to destiny, reminding us that control is an illusion. In the face of life’s storms, what you can do is anchor yourself in relationships rooted in truth and trust. And when the world feels turbulent, focus on the one thing you can control: the calm you cultivate within. OCTOBER'S ECLIPSE ASTRONOMY 101: October’s new moon in Libra is also an annular solar eclipse, meaning the moon will be too far from Earth to completely block the sun. Instead, you’ll see a glowing halo around the moon’s edge, dubbed a “ring of fire.” While this spectacle won’t be visible in Australia, it can be mainly seen in parts of South America.


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