September Full Moon & Eclipse
Lunar eclipse amplifies the energy of the Full Moon, marking pivotal moments and closures. On September 18, 2024, a Partial Lunar Eclipse will occur, where the Moon will enter Earth's shadow, causing part of it to darken. This eclipse will last about 3 hours and 30 minutes and will cover approximately 8% of the Moon's surface.
🌍The peak visibility will be over the Southern Hemisphere, near South America's coast. This eclipse will be observable across much of the Americas, western Europe, and parts of Africa, but not in Asia or Australia.
However, from anywhere in the world, you can catch the celestial event by tuning into our live broadcast, which will available in our app. The eclipse reaches its maximum at 2:45 AM UTC on September 18, so feel free to set a reminder if you'd like to watch it unfold live.
The partial lunar eclipse on September 18, 2024, opens an eclipse corridor on the Virgo-Pisces axis, leading to an annular solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024. This period highlights the balance between Virgo's focus on practical routines, health, and service, and Pisces' emphasis on intuition and spiritual insight.
As the eclipse season progresses, the Sun moves into Libra, shifting the focus towards relationships, balance, and harmony. This is the time to integrate structure with fluidity, reassess habits, and strive for equilibrium in both personal and collective responsibilities.
Partial Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces bring a culmination of emotional cycles, revealing hidden truths and offering inner clarity. Key astrological aspects intensify this period:
• Moon opposition Sun (traditionally for the Full Moon) - Inner Conflict: Tension arises between your conscious goals and deeper feelings, urging balance.
• Moon square Jupiter - Emotional Expansion: Emotions may fluctuate, with a tendency toward exaggeration or impulsiveness.
• Moon conjunction Neptune - Gentle Sensitivity: Heightened intuition and imagination, but with a need to stay grounded.
• Moon sextile Uranus - Embracing the New: Openness to change and innovation, fostering desire for freedom.
• Moon sextile Pluto - Healing Transformation: Opportunities for deep emotional healing and confronting past wounds.
The lunar eclipse in Pisces at 25°47’ encourages deep self-reflection and uncovering hidden truths. Here are concise prompts to guide your introspection:
• Integrating Practicality with Spirituality: How can I bring more grounded structure into my intuitive and creative practices?
• Balancing Service and Compassion: Am I overextending myself in daily routines, and how can I introduce more flow and self-compassion?
• Emotional vs. Logical Insights: What insights am I ignoring in favor of logic, and how can I trust my intuition more?
• Releasing Old Patterns: What habits or beliefs no longer serve me, and how can I let them go?
• Finding Balance Between Control and Surrender: How can I balance the need for order with accepting uncertainty?
These prompts align with the energies of the Virgo-Pisces axis, helping foster personal growth and a more harmonious life approach.
♏ Scorpio and ♋ Cancer: The supportive trine to this eclipse brings opportunities for emotional growth, healing, and deepening connections.
♍ Virgo and ♓ Pisces: Directly impacted by the opposition, these signs will experience focus on balancing practical routines with spiritual insight, prompting necessary life adjustments.
♊ Gemini and ♐ Sagittarius: The square aspect challenges these signs, pushing them to reassess communication, learning, and beliefs, while encouraging the release of outdated patterns.
Those with Sun or Ascendant between 23-27° in these signs will feel the eclipse's effects most intensely, offering a chance for significant transformation.
To Do ✅:
• Reflect on routines and spiritual practices
• Explore creative expression
• Embrace change
• Prioritize mental and emotional health
Avoid ❌:
• Overcommitting yourself
• Getting lost in distractions
• Engaging in conflicts
• Holding on to rigid structures
By aligning with these energies during the Full Moon and lunar eclipse, you may harness this potent time for personal growth, emotional healing, and a deeper connection to your spiritual path.
Discover more fascinating insights and stay updated on all lunar events in the MoonX app.
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