Weekly astrology forecast

This week we are expecting Full Moon in Aries and Mercury entering Libra, as well as several aspects - Sun-Uranus Quincunx, Sun-Saturn Trine, Mars-Neptune Square, Mercury-Jupiter Opposition, Venus-Uranus Quincunx, and Venus-Saturn Trine.
On October 10 Mercury enters Libra again. When Mercury is in Libra we feel at ease while communicating. Mercury, the planet of negotiations, stays in friendly Libra. This position brings harmony to our relationships. Use this time for improving communication skills. This is a favorable period for those who work in consulting, marketing, and law.
On October 10, the Sun forms an intensive Quincunx with Uranus. This placement stimulates our creativity and originality. This is the time of intense energy, so use it wisely. It’s a great day to show yourself through art, music, and innovative endeavors.
The Sun-Saturn Trine is in the sky on October 11. It feels like you are on top today. People pay attention to long-term goals and plans. This Saturn position brings a lot of work opportunities. Compliments from coworkers and promotion are highly possible.
On the same day, Mars squares with Neptune, and Mercury opposes Jupiter. It may feel like a roller coaster! Unfavorable Mars-Neptune can lower our energy with scandals and lies. And due to the Jupiter placement, we can take too much to handle. Putting in less physical effort today will be better. Review your plans and tasks or try unwind by engaging in your hobbies.
On October 13, Venus inconjuncts exciting Uranus. This position increases our desire for changes in our relationships. Take your time with your partner - go out for dinner, a party, or a night walk. You will find many romantic opportunities even if you are single. Don’t be shy to try novel approaches to your love life!
Venus forms a Trine with Saturn on October 14. This is a good time for newness in your love life. Trine brings more responsibility into our romance life. We may want to raise our current relationships to the next level. We seek stability and respect in others. Shopping, beauty treatments, and SPA activities are favored.
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