Full Cold Moon
On December 7-8, 2022, there is a Full Moon in the most active and most intellectual sign—Gemini. Its dual nature will have an impact on our lives during that time, but this can also be used to our advantage. Let's take a look in detail at what that means!
During this time, the Full Moon will give off a powerful energy of variability and inconstancy. The Moon square to Neptune will also add chaos, as it is a tense aspect which leads to increased sensitivity, doubts, and uncertainty.
📦 Taking care of things that have been put on the back burner
We all have things that we put off. Sooner or later they need to be addressed, and the current Full moon is the most favorable time for this. Mars Retrograde will unite with the Moon and will help dealing with issues that have accumulated. However, you should only choose small tasks to carry out, since it is extremely difficult for Gemini to stay concentrated for a long time. Once you've worked enough, it's time to chill: we invite you to relax with the help of our self-massage practice.
📚 Absorbing information and learning
In astrology, Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Gemini, is responsible for thinking, the mind and perception of information. Use this time to try to learn something new—and we don't necessarily mean learning in the academic sense. Attend a master class, make something new for breakfast: you can and should learn anything that brings you pleasure!
🤝 Social contacts
Gemini cannot live a day without company: they just need to talk to others, and ideally, their world is filled with people and new acquaintances. Gemini are always fun, and conversations with them are always lively and interesting. However, your interlocutors will also be feeling the complex energy of the Full Moon, and they might quickly get tired, irritated or nervous. How to harmonize emotions and feelings depends on what sign the person's Moon is in. Read our article in detail and enjoy your contacts with others!
🙊 Empty talk
The chaotic energy of the Full Moon makes us emotional, while its presence in the most sociable sign encourages social contacts. No matter how pleasant talking to people is, be careful about what words you utter and avoid unnecessary discussions and gossip.
🤪 Routines
An important feature of this sign is that things can change very fast: breaking out of daily routines and getting a variety of impressions is crucial for Gemini. Under the influence of the Moon, all of us will become tireless seekers of fresh impressions: keep this in mind when planning your leisure time!
Remember that the Moon becomes full so that we can see what we do not see on other days in its bright light. Look at where things are out of balance in your life and try to correct that!
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