But that’s exhausting work, am I right? Not only does La Luna demand that you juggle a plethora of duties, responsibilities and social commitments, but it also expects you to play different relationship roles like an award-winning actress, from wife to mother to lover to boss lady to caring daughter. It’s no wonder you feel pulled in all directions, especially if you’re a one-woman show trying to manage everything on your own. So, what’s going on in the heavens that’s stretching you so thin? Mars retrograde is in an exact alignment with the moon, leading to frazzled nerves and too much on your plate.
Still, the full moon wouldn’t exist without the Sun, which is in optimistic Sagittarius. In fact, Saggie’s “can do” motto is probably why you think you should handle whatever Mars throws at you. And, of course, you can, but you want to avoid falling in an emotional, burnt-out heap in the process. How? Gemini rules the nervous system and the lungs, so any activity or mindset that addresses those areas will be particularly supportive. Breath work soothes your nerves and opens your lungs, making it a perfect remedy for this chaotic full moon. There are tons of breathing exercises, but my favourite is the lion’s breath. Just breathe in through your nose, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and exhale with a forceful “ha!” sound. And alternate nostril breathing acts like a nervous system tranquilliser.
Then lean into Mercury as the full moon’s ruler steps into grounded Capricorn to get you back on track. And once you’re thinking straight, you’ll realise something’s got to give. Make it one of your many tasks and not your peace of mind.
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