Astrologer's insight

La Luna wraps up eclipse season with a full blood moon in Taurus. This is a total lunar eclipse, folks, so hold onto your cosmic hats!
This full moon spotlights three topics; love, money - especially money - and your values. And because lunar eclipses happen during full moons, they bring a situation to a climactic head. Have you been slogging away on an important business deal or hoping to head to the altar? Maybe you’ve poured your heart and soul into a cherished dream that feels like it will never see the light of day. Or perhaps you’ve put in the hard yards to build financial security for your family. The good news is this blood moon could see your ambitions finally come to fruition. Yet, eclipses have a mind of their own, and their idea of what should come to pass (and what’s best for you) may be different to yours.
Trust that you will land exactly where you’re meant to, which might mean achieving your objective through unconventional means because unorthodox Uranus weighs into this blood moon’s story too. While you may be led down a windy path, you will get to where you need to go, even if you don’t know where that is just yet.
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