Astrologer's Insight

August’s New Moon is an invitation to lighten up and play. It also has a powerful connection to children and your inner child. This lunation encourages you to set down your burdens and drop the heavy stuff at the door. With Jupiter's optimism and Mars's vibrant energy in the mix, this new Moon feels like a cosmic party everyone’s invited to.
Yet, this is about more than just having fun for fun's sake. There’s a deeper need for laughter and celebration—as essential tools for mental health. In these trying times, when the air seems heavy with challenges, the connection of Neptune to this New Moon adds a unique twist. Neptune, the planet known for its link to escapism, reinforces the idea that sometimes, the best way to cope is to step away, even if momentarily, and immerse yourself in joy and lightness or feel-good indulgences.
During this lunation, there's a special focus on the younger generation (Leo governs children in astrology). Whether it’s your child, a child you know, or children in the wider community, this New Moon spotlights their experiences and needs. If you’re a parent, your child may be craving extra TLC or support, whether they're navigating a challenge or celebrating hitting a milestone. This new Moon is also a reminder of the innocence and spontaneity that we often lose as adults, urging us to reconnect with these qualities not just in ourselves but also to cultivate them in the lives of the children around us.
This New Moon serves as a catalyst for addressing larger societal issues, such as the troubling rise in youth crime. With the collective energy of Leo’s fiery enthusiasm, the productivity of Mars, and Jupiter’s hopefulness, we're better positioned to make significant strides towards solutions. It’s a time for communities to come together, not only to celebrate the lighter side of life but to use that very lightness as a foundation for meaningful change and healing. So, let this Leo New Moon be a reminder: sometimes, the best way to deal with the world's darkness is to bring in a little more light.
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